TVET Colleges At Pretoria

TVET Colleges At Pretoria

TVET Colleges At Pretoria TVET Colleges At Pretoria Pretoria is one of South Africa’s three capital cities, serving as the seat of the executive branch of government and as the host to all foreign embassies to South Africa. Cape Town is the legislative capital, whereas Bloemfontein is the judicial capital. Pretoria straddles the Apies River … Read more

TVET Colleges in Mafikeng

TVET Colleges in Mafikeng

TVET CollegesIin Mafikeng TVET Colleges in Mafikeng Mafikeng is a campus found at Taletso TVET College. Mafikeng Campus is situated in Mahikeng, which is the capital of the North West Province. The town is surrounded by rural villages governed by the tribal system of authority. Game farming, guesthouses, and vegetable farming are typical economic activities … Read more