Mesothelioma Class Action

Mesothelioma Class Action

Mesothelioma Class Action

A mesothelioma class action, also called an asbestos class-action lawsuit, is when a group of people with asbestos-related illnesses come together to file a legal claim. In the past, this was a common way for victims to seek justice from companies that exposed them to asbestos. However, these types of lawsuits have become rare. Nowadays, most people affected by asbestos choose to file their own individual claims, which better address their specific situation.

This shift happened because mesothelioma cases are complicated and unique. Each person’s illness, medical costs, and history of exposure are different, making it hard to handle everything in a single lawsuit. Filing individual claims gives victims a better chance of getting fair compensation for things like medical bills, lost wages, and emotional suffering. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s important to understand the difference between class-action lawsuits and individual lawsuits. While class actions used to be a common route for collective justice, today’s claims offer a more personal approach to seeking compensation.

This article explains everything you need to know about mesothelioma class actions, why they are becoming less common, and what other options are available for asbestos victims. Knowing your legal options can help you take the first step toward getting the financial support and justice you deserve.

READ MORE: How To File Mesothelioma Lawsuit

What is a Mesothelioma Class Action Lawsuit?

A mesothelioma class-action lawsuit, or asbestos class action, involves a group of people with similar asbestos-related illnesses filing a single legal claim. However, these lawsuits are rare today, with most people choosing to file separate claims instead.

In a class-action lawsuit, one case is chosen to represent the whole group. The goal is to hold companies responsible for exposing people to asbestos and get compensation for the victims. These companies knew asbestos was dangerous but continued to use it, putting many lives at risk.
Class-action lawsuits have strict rules. The group must show that all members suffered similar injuries and legal issues. The court has to decide that handling each case separately would be too difficult before allowing the group to proceed together.

In these lawsuits, lawyers represent the entire group, meaning the individuals have less control over their cases. Also, the compensation is split among everyone involved.

Why Are Mesothelioma Class-Action Lawsuits Less Common?

Mesothelioma class-action lawsuits are less common because each case is unique. Instead of filing together, most people now file individual claims or take advantage of other legal options, like asbestos trust funds.
From the 1960s to the late 1990s, mesothelioma class-action lawsuits were popular because they provided a way for large groups of victims to get compensation. But now, individual lawsuits or trust fund claims have proven to be more effective in getting fair compensation.

Pros of Class-Action Lawsuits:

  • They were an efficient way to get compensation in the past.
  • They worked well for groups of workers exposed to the same asbestos products.

Cons of Class-Action Lawsuits:

  • Each person’s case is different, making it hard to represent everyone with just one lawsuit.
  • Compensation in class actions is usually lower than what people might get with individual claims.

In recent years, asbestos-related lawsuits are still common, with nearly 2,000 new cases filed in 2023. Because mesothelioma cases are so unique, combining them into a class action is usually not practical. Individual claims allow victims to get the compensation they deserve.

Can Anyone Join a Mesothelioma Class Action Lawsuit?

A lawyer specializing in mesothelioma lawsuits can help you decide if joining a class-action lawsuit is the best option for your situation. If you choose to join, your lawyer will guide you through the process, helping with paperwork and explaining the steps involved.

If you decide to file an individual claim, your lawyer will guide you through each stage of the process. They’ll help you understand important details like how long you have to file your case (the statute of limitations) and how to gather evidence.

READ: Mesothelioma Compensation For Family Members

Alternatives to Mesothelioma Class Action Lawsuits

The main alternatives to class-action lawsuits are personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits, which most mesothelioma victims pursue today:

Personal Injury Lawsuits:

In a personal injury lawsuit, a person with mesothelioma files a claim against the companies whose asbestos products caused their cancer.


  • Personal injury lawsuits often result in higher compensation than class actions.
  • Most mesothelioma cases are settled out of court, often with the help of experienced asbestos law firms.
  • For example, in 2022, a law firm secured a $43 million settlement for a mesothelioma patient.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits:

If someone dies from mesothelioma, their family members can file a wrongful death lawsuit. This claims that asbestos exposure led to their loved one’s death.


  • Wrongful death lawsuits can provide financial help to families for things like funeral costs, medical bills, and other expenses.
  • Most of these cases are settled out of court, and settlements usually range from $1 million to $2 million.

Individual lawsuits, whether for personal injury or wrongful death, are more common now because they offer a better chance at fair compensation and are tailored to each person’s situation.

Mesothelioma class-action lawsuits used to be a common way for asbestos victims to seek justice, but they’re rare today because individual cases are so different. Since each person has a unique exposure history and medical situation, filing an individual lawsuit is often the best way to get fair compensation. For more details, visit the official Mesothelioma website. I hope this information helps, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


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