Technical and Vocational Education and Training (shortened TVET) comprises professional, word-related and Artisan education and training as advertised by TVET Colleges. This band of instruction and preparing is additionally alluded to as ‘post-school’, meaning that it alludes to instruction and preparing that takes put after taking off school, indeed on the off chance that as it were with a Review 9 completed.

TVET colleges offer a diverse selection of courses aiming to develop practical skills and knowledge in a variety of vocational and technical sectors. Specific courses provided may differ from one TVET institution to the next, however the following are some popular categories and examples of courses that are frequently offered:

  • National Certificate (Vocational):
  • NATED / Report 191
  • National Higher Certificate
  • Learnership
  • NQF Full Time
  • Non Formal

READ: TVET Colleges That Offer Teaching Courses

TVET Colleges Courses Offered

TVET colleges are no longer confined to teaching carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work. In recent years, many institutions have experienced transformational transformations, expanding their offerings to include a diverse range of subjects. TVET Colleges offers the following courses;

  • Health Sciences:

TVET colleges have expanded their reach into the healthcare industry, providing courses in nursing, medical laboratory technology, pharmacy assistance, and dental technology. These programmes prepare students to contribute to society’s well-being by delivering critical healthcare services and assisting medical professionals.

  • Information Technology and Computer Science:

In today’s technology-driven society, knowledge of information technology is essential. TVET institutions currently provide complete information technology, computer science, software development, and network management programmes. These courses prepare students to traverse the digital world and meet the expectations of the continuously developing IT sector.

  • Business Management and Entrepreneurship:

TVET institutions may provide a home for aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs by offering courses in business management, marketing, accounting, and entrepreneurship. These programmes provide a thorough grasp of business dynamics as well as practical skills for founding and managing successful businesses.

  • Design, Arts, and Multimedia:

At TVET colleges, where courses in design, fashion, multimedia, and visual arts are now offered, creativity has no boundaries. These programmes foster artistic abilities, allowing students to experiment with new forms of expression and contribute to the lively world of design and culture.

  • Tourism and Hospitality Management:

As the global tourist business expands, TVET universities provide courses in hotel management, travel and tourism, and event planning. These programmes equip students to flourish in professions that need them to provide excellent visitor experiences and manage many parts of the tourism and hospitality industries.

READ: What Do TVET Colleges Offer

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Thursday: 08h00 – 16h00
Friday: 08h00 – 13h00
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For more information visit the TVET Colleges official website