Type Of Qualifications For TVET College

Type Of Qualifications For TVET College

Type Of Qualifications For TVET College

TVET Qualifications are the different kinds of educational certificates, degrees, diplomas, and certifications issued by Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools. These qualifications are intended to offer individuals practical skills, knowledge, and training in certain occupational sectors, allowing them to enter the job or seek higher study in their areas of speciality.

TVET certifications are designed to address the needs of industries and sectors that require skilled labour. These credentials are frequently hands-on and application-focused, emphasising practical abilities that are immediately transferable to real-world professions. They are intended to bridge the gap between academic learning and work market requirements, ensuring that graduates are job-ready and capable of making substantial contributions to their organisations.

READ: Difference Between A University And A TVET College In Terms Of What Each Offers

Type Of Qualifications For TVET College

TVET colleges are vital for providing students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in a range of sectors. These colleges provide an extensive range of programmes to meet the demands of today’s labour market. TVET Colleges qualifications include;

  • NCV (National Certificate (Vocational).

The National Certificate (Vocational), abbreviated NCV, is a certificate aimed at high school graduates seeking practical skills in a certain sector. This qualification is divided into stages, each of which includes a variety of courses connected to the selected career. NCV programmes integrate academic knowledge with practical experience, allowing students to enter the workforce or extend their education in their subject of interest.

  • N-Diploma National

The National N-Diploma is a higher-level qualification that follows the NCV and gives a more in-depth study of a certain occupational subject. This credential is commonly provided in disciplines such as engineering, business studies, hospitality, and others. Students who earn the National N-Diploma can improve their employability or continue their education at a higher level, such as a university or university of technology.

  • Learnerships

Learnerships are specialised training programmes that combine education in the classroom with practical experience. These programmes are typically funded by businesses or sectors looking to develop a competent workforce. Learners collaborate with experienced mentors to obtain hands-on experience while also earning a formal certificate. Learnerships are an excellent opportunity for people to transfer into a new sector or improve their abilities in their present one.

  • Programmes for Developing Skills

TVET colleges also provide skill development programmes that focus on acquiring particular competencies needed in various sectors. These programmes are frequently shorter in duration and appeal to persons who need to swiftly upskill or reskill. Computer literacy, basic electrical work, customer service, and other courses may be included in skill programmes. They offer a realistic and tailored solution.

  • Artisan Training

The goal of artisan training programmes is to generate highly trained craftsmen and technicians. Plumbing, welding, carpentry, and electrical work are among the trades included in these programmes. Artisan training blends hands-on experience with theoretical knowledge to produce individuals who are skilled in their chosen craft. Because the need for skilled artisans remains stable, artisan training is an important component of TVET services.

  • The foundation Programmes

TVET colleges additionally acknowledge that some people may need core skills before pursuing more specialised vocational training. Literacy, numeracy, and key life skills are addressed in foundational programmes, ensuring that all students have a solid educational foundation upon which to develop their practical ambitions.

READ: TVET Colleges Abilities Needed

TVET Colleges Qualifications And Requirements

TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) colleges offer a variety of qualifications designed for different fields. The specific qualifications and their requirements may vary depending on the country, region, and college. However, the general requirements for the TVET College qualifications are listed below:

National Certificate (Vocational)

  • Full Certificates on NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4
  • NC(V) Level 4 Certificate is equivalent to National Senior Certificate (matric)

Admission Requirement

  • Grade 9 + college requirements set per programme

NATED / Report 191

  • N6 Diploma

Admission Requirement

  • Grade 9 for N1 admission
  • Grade 12 for N4 admission

National Higher Certificate

  • Specific to programme

Admission Requirement

  • Grade 12 + requirements set by HE institution and college


  • Full qualification

Admission Requirement

  • Specific to programme

Skills Programme

  • Part qualification with credit recognition towards full qualification

Admission Requirement

  • Specific to programme

NQF Full Time

  • Full qualification on various NQF Levels

Admission Requirement

  • Specific to programme

Non Formal

  • Specific to programme

Admission Requirement

  • Specific to programme


  • Specific to programme

Admission Requirement

  • Specific to programme

READ: TVET College Courses And Requirements

Contact Details For TVET  Colleges

Register At TVET Colleges

Visit Us
123 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria, South Africa

Contact Details
0800 87 2222  |  callcentre@dhet.gov.za

We’re Open
Monday: 08h00 – 16h00
Tuesday: 08h00 – 16h00
Wednesday: 08h00 – 16h00
Thursday: 08h00 – 16h00
Friday: 08h00 – 13h00
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays

For more information visit the TVET Colleges official website. I hope the provided information is helpful, share your thoughts below in the comment section.



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