FET And TVET Colleges

FET And TVET Colleges

FET And TVET Colleges FET And TVET Colleges Since FET is just the older name for TVET, there are no differences between the two Colleges. The terms “FET” (Further Education and Training) and “TVET” (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) refer to the same sort of educational institutions and programmes. TVET stands for Technical and … Read more

Courses Offered At TVET Colleges

Courses Offered At TVET Colleges

Courses Offered At TVET Colleges Courses Offered At TVET Colleges TVET schools play an important role in defining the context of learning by providing a diverse choice of courses that cater to the practical skills and knowledge required in various sectors. These schools are well-known for emphasising hands-on learning, industry-relevant training, and preparing students for … Read more

What Is An FET College

What Is An FET College

What Is An FET College What Is An FET College A FET College, which stands for Further Education and Training College, Presently known as Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges is a post-secondary educational institution that offers vocational training and post-secondary education to individuals who have completed their basic education (usually high school) … Read more